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Tyke Spacing: How Long Should You Wait Between Kids?

You're remaining in line at the supermarket, embracing your pregnant stomach as you look on at the mom before you in wonder. She has four under four, and it's sort of a bazaar (to put it pleasantly). The minute that "infant pizzazz" wears off, everybody from your BFF to Janet in the following work area will begin asking when child number two is expected. Before you begin tuning in to that tick, tick, tick of your profile clock as you approach (or pass) the enchantment age for having children, look at these elements to consider before wanting to get pregnant once more. 1. The Hypothetical Baby's Health: You've ideally got one solid infant, and you don't need your beside begin with any less of an open door. While there's no precious stone ball to anticipate your future newborn child's wellbeing, and you can't cross your fingers and wish your way to your infant's prosperity, taking a break between pregnancies could bring down the poss

5 Ways to Win Toddler Battles

In your pre-mommy days, you would never have imagined that a two-year-old could rule your entire life. Then you became a parent and started scrambling for 10-minute toddler meals to throw together between crises. They want a cookie, but it’s bedtime. They want a new toy, but they just got one yesterday. They want - well, they don’t really know WHAT they want. But that’s not going to stop them from throwing a tantrum and indulging their toddler “no” addiction. Suddenly you feel like you’re on the losing end of an imaginary battle. But you’ve got this! Check out these easy ways to help you rally and win the toddler war, so you can get back to sparking your tot’s creativity. 1. Be firm, but loving. That wishy-washy, “um, honey, could you please stop hitting mommy” tone isn’t going to help anyone out. You need to approach your toddler with a firm voice. That doesn’t mean you should yell, scream, or otherwise act in a threatening way. Keep the love alive, but express it in a voice

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